Windsor Park LifeCare Trust has 24-7 youth workers in Rangitoto College and Murrays Bay Intermediate. These youth workers mentor and build relationships with youth to encourage good relationships in order to prevent unhealthy behaviours and mental health risk. Engaging with school students is important as they are still developing their life skills and are open to change. Youth workers work collaboratively with school teachers and counsellors who refer students to 24-7.

24-7 YouthWork aims to work towards the following outcomes:

Holistic support for students

Improved mental health, greater self-esteem and minimising of unhealthy behaviours

Build positive relationships, including improved family and personal relationships

Development of self-care plans and positive goal setting

Enhanced positive school environment

Help integrate students into school and out-of-school activities

Higher levels of participation and community connectedness

Encourage students in leadership

  • Caleb Finlayson | 24-7 YouthWork Team Leader

    Caleb is the Youth Pastor at Windsor Park Baptist Church and is the team leader for the 24-7 YouthWork team.

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